Archive for March, 2014

Embed from Getty Images

Did you know Getty are now allowing bloggers and other social media users to use their images for free?

Of course there’s a catch. You are actually hosting an iframe which embeds the image from Getty directly into your page. If privacy issues are a concern, then you may want to read more about what that means for you and your users.

I’m not sure how big a deal the privacy issue is (I’ve never been too good at corporate paranoia. Axe-murderer hiding under the bed paranoia, yes, absolutely!), and it allows me a sudden cornucopia of eye candy that would never previously have been within reach.

It’s also really easy – but bizarrely unadvertised. I’ve been looking around for a good half hour or so, thinking: okay, I’ve read all these reports that I can use Getty images, but, uh, how? Do I need to register? Where are some instructions? I’ve found an image I want, I can see payment options, but not a lot else…

Wonder no more! See the </> symbol below my image above? That’s all you need. Click that and you get a little snippet of code. Paste that into the html view of your web page, and bob’s your uncle. Pretty image on your site.


If you need more info than that, see Getty’s own instructions.

Happy image searching!