Archive for June, 2017

Well, it may be a couple of years late, but I’ve finally come up with the perfect sales pitch for Kikimora.

While signing books in Cromford recently, I was asked numerous times, ‘So what’s this book about?’

Despite having done these things a few times now and always getting the same questions, I was no better prepared than usual. I floundered my way through a couple of vague explanations, before tiredly offering,

It’s basically Poldark with magic.

That got a response (although one punter astutely pointed out: that pitch will only work on women).

Demelza Carne

‘Scruffy, neglected waif’

It’s not a facetious or cynical pitch though. In a blog post from five years ago I mention reading the first couple of Poldark books as research into mining in the (approximate) era, and being pleasantly surprised by their pace and humour. But I was very aware it was an obscure reference, meaning little to anyone under 40 who didn’t remember the 1970s TV show.

By the time new Poldark became the Sunday night TV phenomenon, I’d moved on from promoting Kikimora, and forgotten all about it.

But Kikimora actually bears a few similarities with Poldark, notably in the relationship between the charismatic but troubled mine owner, and the scruffy, neglected waif who takes up residence with him; in the families of marriageable young ladies eager to make his acquaintance, and their bafflement at his reluctance. Then there is his very plain (and consequently pitied and scorned) sister (cousin in Poldark)…

I won’t say more, to avoid spoilers.

Of course, Kikimora has many other things going on as well, in the battle of wills between the miners and the spirits of the forest, in Kikimora’s troubled genesis, and her journey to find acceptance.

I’d be interested to know, do any of my readers see the similarity? Or is it just my own over-familiarity with the story that brings it to mind? Let me know in the comments?

Wirksworth Book Fair, April 2017

Wirksworth Book Fair, April 2017

After a smashing day at the Wirksworth Book Fair in April, tomorrow I will be signing books at Celebrating Cromford.

It’s five years since I last did a book signing at the village festival. Last time I hitched a ride on the Women’s Institute stall (courtesy of my mum). This year I’m sharing a stall with fellow Cromford author, Sam Salt. Hopefully my mum will still come along and help – she is ten times the salesperson I could ever be!

Cromford is a lovely little town in Derbyshire, and is where I grew up (one of my sister’s friends refers enviously to our ‘Enid Blyton childhood’!) The weather forecast is scorchio. There will be live music, an Ale Trail, other refreshments, and a wishing pig, apparently. So it should be a fantastic day out.

Cromford, April 2017

Cromford, April 2017

If you’re in the area, do come say hello. It would be lovely to see you 🙂